Set Up for Mail Addressed Envelopes
When utilizing a datasheet template some additional setup is required. The template place holders (ph) must match the header or first row of the datasheet you are uploading.
The following place holder titles should be used as the column header for a mail address: - phFirst
- phLast
- phStreet
- phCity
- phState
- phZip
Additional Requirements:
Capitalization of the phHeaders should be exact to the above for best recognition.
The template is compatible with Excel Files (.xls or .xlsx)
Please note that any Address 2 information, such as floor, suite or apt#, should be included in SAME COLUMN as "phStreet", as this information is formatted to fall on the same line.
Proper case and punctuation will be an exact representation of what is reflected in your datasheet.
EX: If the data sheet entry is: 23-12 RoBertson st , APT #2 it will show on the final label as 23-12 RoBertson st , APT #2
The label will populate with the profiled font and size but WILL NOT correct for proper case or additional mistaken spacing.
ALL phColumns should come before any additional information on you datasheet. Additional information can still be on a datasheet, but must come following the phColumns. (please see below for an example)
If you experience an issue with uploading your datasheet, please contact Technical Support at 212.500.6504
Previews for Products Using a Datasheet Uploaded A preview to insure that data is populating will be created for 3-5 entries ONLY. All entries will be printed even though they do not show on the initial preview.
A full PDF proof can be downloaded following check out if needed.